4 Unexpected Ways Your Pets Can Foul Up Your Home’s Plumbing System

Believe it or not, your curious pets can harm your home’s plumbing system. This situation isn’t something they would do on purpose, mainly because they’re just inquisitive or mischievous. Plus, a dog drinking out of the toilet bowl is a bad habit, but it won’t mess up the toilet’s essential functions. However, there are some other ways… Continue reading 4 Unexpected Ways Your Pets Can Foul Up Your Home’s Plumbing System

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What Causes a Faucet to Leak?

Plumbing leaks come in many different forms and sizes, with the faucet leak being the most common. Allowing your faucet to slowly drip day after day can lead to a bigger plumbing nightmare that you can avoid altogether. Here is what’s causing that troublesome leak in your bathroom or kitchen: Damaged & Worn Parts Do… Continue reading What Causes a Faucet to Leak?

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Frozen Pipes? Reduce Your Plumbing Costs With These Helpful Tips!

Every year, nearly half a million homes and businesses suffer from water damage due to a frozen pipe. Statistics also show that there are five times more claims to homeowner insurance policies because of severe water damage than due to fire, theft, or vandalism. While weatherizing your home should be as routine as checking for… Continue reading Frozen Pipes? Reduce Your Plumbing Costs With These Helpful Tips!

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Pro Serve Plumbing

Plumbing problems are inevitable in any household, regardless of whether it’s an apartment or a townhouse. Speed is of the essence when you’re dealing with a plumbing emergency; otherwise, you’ll wind up dealing with extensive structural damage and costly bills due to water wastage. According to HomeAdvisor, the average cost of plumbing services in America… Continue reading Pro Serve Plumbing

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The Heart And Soul Of Your Home

There are many reasons that people often overlook the plumbing systems of their homes. First, the primary plumbing fixture in the home is the toilet, a device intended for waste removal only. Yes, there are sinks and pipes that bring in essential and life-giving water, but with the rapid onset of the popularity of bottled… Continue reading The Heart And Soul Of Your Home

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Plumbing FAQs – Should You Invest in Solar Water Heating?

Your hot water heating plays a major role in your home, connected directly to the plumbing system and providing for your family’s hygiene needs. But traditional hot water heaters can be expensive and contribute to greater levels of greenhouse gases. The option of switching to a solar water heating system can be very attractive, but… Continue reading Plumbing FAQs – Should You Invest in Solar Water Heating?

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